WordPress Maintenance

our services

Professional WordPress Maintenance Service

Elevate your WordPress website’s performance, security, and reliability with our Professional WordPress Maintenance Service. Stay worry-free while we handle updates, security scans, and optimizations, ensuring your online presence is in top shape.

About WordPress Maintenance Service

Ensuring your WordPress site stays secure, up-to-date, and high-performing.

Full Website Backup

For added safety, I’ll create monthly full backups of your site. In case of emergencies like hacks or failed updates, I’ll restore it within 72 hours.

Safely Site Update

We proactively update your WordPress to the latest version, guaranteeing optimal performance and security for your website.

Content Updates

Regular content updates are vital for online success. They keep your site engaging and competitive in search rankings. Whether it’s text, images, or multimedia, staying fresh is key.

Test Links and Contact Form

We perform thorough testing on all links (internal and external) and forms (contact, subscribe, etc.) to ensure they function seamlessly on your website.

Security and Hack-Proof

I’ll enhance your website’s security with top optimizations and daily scans using a trusted security plugin to detect vulnerabilities and malware.

WordPress Recovery

In times of website crises – hacks, update mishaps, or server outages – relax, I’ll have your website back up and running within 72 hours, ensuring minimal disruption.


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WordPress maintenance service is when you, the customer, hire me, the developer, to ensure your site functions smoothly. This includes security, recovery, and updates (themes, plugins, content, backups), as well as resolving issues like broken links, SEO, and speed optimization.

We will discuss on chat.

Absolutely! Website maintenance is of utmost importance for your site. If you’re a busy business owner or lack the time to manage your site, neglecting maintenance can add unnecessary stress. Moreover, your website often represents your online identity, and if it’s compromised, broken, or goes offline, it can be a major concern.

Even major companies experience website downtime. For instance, Amazon and Microsoft have faced outages. Having someone to care for your site and quickly resolve issues is a stress-relief. When you hire me as your website administrator, you gain the peace of mind to focus on your business and personal life.

Certainly, you have the capability to manage it yourself. I don’t aim to duplicate efforts. This service is primarily designed to provide entrepreneurs like you with more time. In your role, every second holds significant value.

Additionally, some website owners may not have a strong technical background. They excel in other domains and choose to enlist professionals where expertise is lacking.